website design & development

website design & development




Who is Demandwell?

Who is Demandwell?

Who is Demandwell?

Demandwell helps B2B marketers drive demand faster and more easily with search engine optimized content.

How We Collaborated

As a consultant, I was brought on board by Demandwell to aid in their website overhaul. The company had recently conducted a brand survey and sought to update their visual identity in line with its results. In close collaboration with the team, I was tasked with creating designs and executing the build-out of their new site pages.

However, the visual refresh was just the beginning of a larger project. As Demandwell's business relies heavily on search engine optimization (SEO), the limitations of their WordPress theme were hindering their ability to fully optimize their site. After careful consideration, the team and I agreed that switching to a fully custom theme would provide the necessary flexibility and enable quick and easy page launches. This transition is a project that we are currently in the process of completing.

My work with Demandwell has been a harmonious blend of visual and brand design, as well as technical backend improvements to optimize the site. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with the team and look forward to continuing our collaboration in the future.

P.O. Box 7141, Fishers IN, 46037

P.O. Box 7141, Fishers IN, 46037

P.O. Box 7141, Fishers IN, 46037